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Rock and Road Trip: Aline & Phil in North America
21 août 2011

City of Rocks, Idaho et Salt Lake City, Utah

City of Rocks est situe au sud de l'Idaho et on peut dire que c'est au milieu de nul part. Il y a plus ou moins 150 personnes vivant au village d'Almo (y compris le betail – non je rigole) et la premiere grande ville avec des supermarches est situe a...
9 août 2011

Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks

We have been spending a week in Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park at the border between Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. The Idea was to rest and only do a bit a hiking but (there is always a but)...we finally decided to see this Teton...
Rock and Road Trip: Aline & Phil in North America
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